
DCCTEC, your Apple and Microsoft Specialist

A dynamic company with over two decades experience developing smart IT solutions. We specialize in crafting solutions that are smooth and safe operation of business environments such as yours.

We advise a wide range of companies in terms of defining and enacting their IT strategy support and administration, backup solutions, training and ERP systems, in both Apple and Microsoft platforms.

Server Rack

Industry solutions for your business

Here is where information technology can turn the tables in your favor by reducing the costs and complexity of managing your organization. It certainly helps making IT simple. Malware and hacking have become an everyday threat, this may be the perfect time to update your infrastructure. It definitively pays off, making IT safe. Security and simplicity are of central importance to us.

Computer scientist EFZ and Commercial EFZ Apprenticeship

As a recognized apprenticeship company, adolescents have the opportunity to get a taste of the working world with trail days, on which we show and explain various practical tasks, the use of work equipment and internal processes. We examine each application individually and offer various options for gaining initial work experience and developing personality. This can be an internship before studying, a bridging year for school leavers without an apprenticeship contract or the apprenticeship itself. We stand for quality and all-round training so that the learner learns to connect and understand theory and practice in the respective areas.

Our services


Network infrastructure

IT Support

Outsource services


Education & Training

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